Program Details
Our Classes
We offer 2 classes, each consisting of 10 mixed aged students. One parent assists in each class daily. Our Adult/Child Ratio is 1:5
3 year olds
Must be 3 by Sept. 1
3 days a week
Monday 9:30-12:15*
Wednesday 9:00-11:45
Thursday 9:00-11:45
* Late start to align with the GPPS late start Monday schedule.
$1,800 for the year
Payable in three installments of $600
$1,750 if paid in full on or before July 31
4 year olds
Must be 4 by Sept. 1
4 days a week
Monday 9:30-12:15*
Tuesday 9:00-11:45**
Wednesday 9:00-11:45
Thursday 9:00-11:45
* Late start to align with the GPPS late start Monday schedule.
**4th Day begins in October
Optional Lunch Buddies
Wednesday 11:45-1:45 (begins in Oct.)
$2,550 for the year
Payable in three installments of $850
$2,500 if paid in full on or before July 31
OPTIONAL Lunch Buddies - $200/per semester
Gentle Start
Our focus at the beginning of the year is a comfortable, smooth transition from home to school for you and your child. To accomplish this, we plan a gentle, slow start. Children and parents need to get to know, trust, and build a relationship with the teachers. The teachers need to get to know, trust, and build a relationship with each child and parent. The time and effort invested in this transition period lay the foundation for a wonderful first school experience and a lifetime of smooth hellos and goodbyes. This gentle start is built into our second year as well with waiting to start our fourth day and lunch buddies until October.
Music Together
Each week our Music Together Specialist spends 30 music-filled minutes with each team as they work towards achieving music competence—the ability to speak the language of music by singing in tune and moving in time. The children sing, dance, play with instruments, props, and so much more. Parents are invited to join in the music-making for a fun and exciting family event one evening during the school year.
4th Day
Starting in October, Frog and Butterfly children preparing to enter Kindergarten or Young 5’s the following year will stay for an additional school day. This additional school day is held on Tuesdays and runs from October-May. This format is the same as lunch buddies; 2 teachers, no parent helper.
Lunch Buddies
Starting in October, Frog and Butterfly children preparing to enter Kindergarten or Young 5’s the following year are invited to stay for Lunch Buddies. The longer day and eating lunch at school is a much-anticipated rite of passage for Sunny Days children and helps with the transition to their first elementary school experience.
Special Events
Fall field trip, Fall Family Fun Night, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Concert, Winter field trip, Very Special Project Night, Spring field trip, Mother’s Day Tea, Ice Cream Social, End of the Year Celebrations, All School Picnic, Kids Night Out Evenings
Our History
Sunny Days has been continually operating as a church sponsored cooperative preschool since the early 1960’S. In the summer of 2020, The GPWPC and Sunny Days welcomed St. Clare Cooperative Nursery School, similarly operating since 1994. Due to COVID space restrictions and lower enrollment, the two programs joined together to form one excellent preschool and continues to be a blessing for children and families of the community.